Premium relief for MIEC Policyholders amid COVID-19 Pandemic

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MIEC remains committed to serving the needs of our policyholders through these extraordinarily challenging times, particularly for healthcare providers. In consideration of our members, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be providing a 60-day grace period for premium payments and suspending cancellations for non-payment until July 1st, 2020 for active policies with quarterly invoices due May 1st, 2020.

Additionally, as this is a fluid situation and circumstances continue to evolve, we will apply any changes issued by the state department of insurance that may supersede, or go beyond our self-imposed premium payment grace period.

This grace period extension will provide MIEC policyholders additional time to submit premium payments, and the peace of mind to continue practicing through this emergency without a potential disruption in coverage. For additional information, and up to date coverage information from MIEC regarding COVID-19, please visit our resource page.